McIntosh & Bowman Cheesemongers is a company passionate about cheese

With so much to see and do in the boutique cheese industry, Claudia has taken it upon herself to get out and about as much as possible to meet key cheese people and take part in cheese activities around the world. 'Cheese Diaries' are your way of keeping track of Claudia's cheese adventures and sharing in the information and research she experiences.

Visit for more info

Thursday, May 8, 2008

McIntosh and Bowman Cheese Wedding

As cheese is a major part of our life, we wanted this reflected in our catering on our special day. Will Studd certainly made this possible; flying up to Sydney the majority of the 70kg's of cheese we had on display for our guests on the day.
The Wedding Cheese Cake featured a base of Parmigiano Reggiano from Italy, mounted on top a whole wheel of Brie de Meaux from France. A top of this was a Pastilla Nash Prune and Walnut cake handmade locally in Paddington by Jan Nash before half of a whole wheel of Colston Basset Stilton from England. The top two layers were a wheel of Munster from Alsace and to crown it off was a 2kg wedge of Comte Gruyere from the Franche-Comte region of France.
We had Ivy and fruit accompaniments all around the cheese.

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