McIntosh & Bowman Cheesemongers is a company passionate about cheese

With so much to see and do in the boutique cheese industry, Claudia has taken it upon herself to get out and about as much as possible to meet key cheese people and take part in cheese activities around the world. 'Cheese Diaries' are your way of keeping track of Claudia's cheese adventures and sharing in the information and research she experiences.

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Monday, June 2, 2008

Charles Sturt University Cheese Factory

Dear Mr Ian Goulter

I write to you in relation to the retention of the Cheese Factory at CSU.

I am aware that there has been some uncertainty as to whether the factory and therefore production of the university’s cheeses will continue into the future. This matter compels me to contact you and to state from my point of view, why there needs to be further consideration of the significance of the factory to CSU.

There are numerous benefits of retaining the facilities and most importantly the spirit of the factory: cheese authority and master cheese maker Barry Lillywhite.

Having judged at international cheese awards, having travelled internationally and locally with cheese related events, having retailed cheese, made cheese, in running a cheese business as well as having recently attended a CSU cheese making workshop run by Mr Lillywhite and Mr Samson Agboola; I feel that I am in an excellent position to relate to you as an expert on the topic of cheese education & appreciation and the importance of retaining the CSU cheese factory.

I truly believe that the facility and activities of the CSU Cheese factory are an important and significant aspect in growing the Australian cheese industry.

In a time where drought is affecting the productivity and sustainability of dairy farms supplying fresh milk and as the demand and awareness of the speciality cheese industry is heightened, offering another avenue to dairy farmers; it is the perfect climate for encouraging cheese production, especially that of a boutique production such as that at CSU.

To think of cutting the support and funding of the university’s state of the art factory facilities and expertise of cheese maker Mr Lillywhite would be nothing short of an absolute waste of resources and opportunity; the very though to be discouraged.

At a time where the demand for transferral of skill and knowledge in a growing boutique industry is at its peak, surely as an educational institution, with the facilities and resources available, it is the responsible thing to do, to continue on growing the Australian cheese industry.

Mr Lillywhite is one of the three greatest names in Australian cheese; as an authority on cheese Mr Lillywhite is the perfect person to continue the CSU cheese factory production and educational courses. The class I participated in was of much higher standard than others courses I have experienced in Australia and has been an event my company has continued to promote to all our clients.

I encourage further consideration into the marketing of the CSU cheese and Cheese making courses and feel that any time and money invested into this aspect of the business will have great impact in the demand, sales and profit of the factory. Without a doubt, this is a time to be investing more into this facility, not less.

I strongly recommend that the facilities be retained and passion nurtured and funding continued, for the benefit of your students, the Australian cheese industry and promotion of both the science and art of speciality cheese.

I look forward to hearing back from you on this matter.


Claudia McIntosh Bowman

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